Parsimonious Pash, another Michigan blogger, is sharing 12 Days of Happy on her blog. With such a crafty theme, I just had to join. This year I have so many more things in my life that make me happy. I have been truely blessed over the past year.
Here are some of the things that make me happy.
1. My hubby – we just got married in August. 95% of the time he knows exactly the right thing to say or do to make me smile or laugh.
2. My kids – Up until August, I only had 1 child… Now I have a step daughter and a baby on the way. Watching the interaction between Lil Miss and Lil C defiantly put a smile on my face. You’d never know that they are step brother/sister by the way they act.
3. As much as I HATE saying this – but Skylanders. This one video game has been a big part of the bonding between lil Miss and Lil C.
4. My friends pre-marriage, and all the new friends I gained with the marriage. Its amazing how different groups can blend together…
5. Looking at the photos from my wedding and honeymoon. I’m still waiting to get some of the photos from my photographer so we can hang them on the walls… But I’m find myself going through the photos and just looking at how happy my hubby is and how happy my kids were.
6. Holidays – My family is always about getting together for holidays. My moms side celebrates Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day and Labor Day all together. I get to see all my aunts, uncles and cousins… And then we celebrate Mothers Day, Christmas Eve and Other Birthdays with the hubbs family. It’s great being around the people you love.
7. Fridays – I never thought I would look forward to 6pm Friday night before. I always use to work weekends …. So Friday only meant pay day, but never did it mean 2 days off of work. Now, since being married, Fridays tend to mean getting to spend the whole weekend with my family.
8. My Christmas Tree – I LOVE to decorate the tree… and this year I get to decorate it with the 2 kids! 😀 But besides decorating, I love just watching the lights on it change. I have them set up where they fade from red to green to blue and back.. Soo peaceful and tranquil.
9. My blog. This blog has given me so many options that I would have never otherwise had! I get to bless my children with the oppertunity to experience things that I would otherwise not be able to afford.
10. Night time. Lil C goes to bed at 9pm, and when Lil Miss is here, she goes to bed at 10. Knowing that my children are peacefully sleeping … just makes me smile… Well, that and the silence I hear through the house.
11. Being Pregnant. It has been 7 years since I had lil C, and I always wanted to have more.
12. Being able to listen to my baby’s heartbeat at home with a Doppler. Its one of the most amazing things… Especially after a stressful day.
I’d love to hear what makes up your 12 days of happy!
If you want to link up, make sure to visit Parsimonious Pash!
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I am also counting my blessings this year — I am so glad that my family is going to be together for Christmas for the first time in several years. My kids are healthy and their kids are healthy. I have a job and my bills are being paid….and many more.
Great list, Amy! I have Friday and decorating on my list as well. 🙂
I love this list! It’s so nice to take a minute & realize all we have to be happy about! I’m so glad that your son & stepdaughter are getting along so well.
What a fun list to reflect on things. I want to write one too!
I love reading your list! It’s fun to see what makes other people happy 🙂 Sounds like you had a great year, and more goodness to come!
I loved learning more about you from your list! Congrats on your wedding, and how awesome to have your family double (soon to triple) almost overnight!
I love reflecting on the year during the holidays! Congratulations on all the new things you have to be grateful for this year!
Oh I love this… I might join up! You’ve had an awesome year… so much to be happy about!
I just posted my list. up on my blog. I loved your answers. Thank you for sharing
Oh I love this idea so much and your list is awesome. Happy Weekend to you.
Thank you for sharing what makes you happy! This is a very nice subject and gives a person something to think about. Recently I’ve had some problems in my life, but I can honestly say that I am very happy for my husband and my fur baby!
thanks for sharing your store! it is very inspirational!
how nice,I have 11 little blessings,my grandchildren! an 2 more on the way,,they are all so precious to me
Lots of things make me happy. My famiy and my pets. My garden in the summer and snuggly days in the winter.
Aww, love this, Amy! And I agree with blogging being so awesome. Love the opportunities it affords! Hope you have an awesome Christmas 🙂
Finding this Site! It’s wonderful.
Great list! Those slow changing Christmas lights are pretty cool. I had a set that were just blue and white a while back. I lined the ceiling of my studio apartment with them, turned them on the “slow fade” setting, and fell asleep watching them change from blue to white and back again numerous times. Oh, and you make me miss being pregnant! That whoosh whoosh whoosh sound is just amazing. 🙂
Good call on including the blog, too! I would have never thought of that one. They’re such great outlets, aren’t they?
feels so good to sit and look at all of the blessings we have. we really are fortunate, i think!
Love your list! It’s great to write these things down and remind ourselves.
Great idea!! During this stressful time of year it’s important to focus on the positive!
You have had an AWESOME year and most definitely have a LOT to be thankful for!!
I love lists like these. I try to count my blessings everyday but at the holidays it is a special reminder.
Bedtime is the best time of the day, isn’t it.
Not having to shovel snow makes me happy LOL – it’s our first Christmas in the south and although everyone told me I’d miss the snow at Christmas… I don’t, I really don’t 🙂
I love this! I would say that my daughter and our 3 cats are definitely at the top of my list 🙂