There are a lot of great tips and tricks for weight loss…but there is a great set of weight loss tips by Danny Russo. He believes that Food, Exercise and Water (FEW) are the key to your success. You don’t need any funny gimmicks or crazy workouts…Just the basics. I don’t know about you, but I’m all about simplicity. Here are his basic weight loss tips.
1. Food: Start by eliminating three complex carbs from your diet. Pasta, rice and potatoes are good place to start. These foods are difficult for your body to breakdown. Not all women are the same so after 1-month, attempt to reintroduce these foods in your diet and measure the results as opposed to when you were not eating them. This is an excellent way for you to start learning how your body reacts to certain foods.
2. Exercise: Focus on squats, leg press, and leg extensions, all of which can do wonders for the sculpting of a woman’s body. Let’s face it, as a woman you’re concerned with different areas than men. A fitness routine for a male does not help you to achieve your goals. Squats, leg press, and leg extensions aim to flatten your abs, tighten your tush, and firm your thighs without the “bulking up” seen in most workout regimes designed for men.
3. Water: Drink 20 ounces of water at the same time each day. Drinking by the clock is structure and timing. Your body reacts to that. Drink water before you exercise and a sports drink or chocolate milk after your workout. Keeping hydrated is one of the most important aspects to a fit and happy life.
Danny Russo has a great weight loss tips to get women over 30 through their battles!
*Thank you Danny Russo for these great tips.
I did Danny Russo diet for a time and I did lose some good weight!! I tried herbalife and some thrive products, modere and smart coffees, but guess what??? I’m heavier now than ever largely due to three rotator cuff surgeries and then with not working and depression! Uugghh
You Know it still works! I’m doing it again and it’s working with all my limitations. I’m down 20-plus pounds.