I was just telling my mother today how I just feel like I have no time to do anything. Between working part time, having an in home business, driving lil C to and from school, and blogging, I feel like I am running too thin on time. Oh did I mention, we still haven’t fully unpacked from the move in December. Some days I’m lucky to remember to eat breakfast. Those are the days when I know that I need to have something that is delicious and something I can quickly grab and eat on the go. Our local Kroger store had the solution: VitaTops MuffinTops
Our local store only had the Deep Chocolate and Protein Banana Chocolate Chip, but they also come in Wild Blueberry and Superfood CranBran.
I didn’t mind one bit – I have been craving Chocolate the most.
I really wasn’t expecting to find my Breakfast of choice in the Frozen goods aisle, but there they were… Right in the Live Naturally section! It has to be too good to be true! But it’s not!
According to the VitaTops website the VitaTops Deep Chocolate MuffinTops are made with organic ingredients like whole grain flour, oat flour, chocolate chips and Cocoa! Can you believe even with those sweet little chocolate chips and the cocoa that they are only 100 calories each? I have been trying to start my day a little earlier. Just so I can make sure to sit down and eat my VitaTop MuffinTops – without having 2 little ones trying to mooch off of me. Do you know how hard it is to eat something when you have a 2yr old around? Well, add in a 10yr old, and you end up savoring the crumbs that they leave for you. So, please don’t tell Peanut that I get up at least 30 minutes before her, JUST so I can indulge in a little morning sweetness.
I found my VitaTops Deep Chocolate MuffinTops at Krogers! You can find yours at your nearest Publix, Kroger, Stop & Shop, Shop-Rite, or Target locations.
These look so yummy ,the best part of the muffin no less,id definitely eat these.
I will have to see if we have Vita Tops here. They sound great! Thanks!
I honestly have never tried Vitatops before; however, after reading your post I think I will very soon. Thank you for sharing.
Never have I seen this at the store, will check them out next time I go.
Never have I seen this at the store, will check them out next time I go.
I had to chuckle at your getting up earlier to have a little treat by yourself 🙂 Believe me, I’ve done that more times than I can count (until when my daughter caught on when she turned 6). Vitatops are yummy!