Do you have young kids? Then you’ll want to check out:
There are a lot of Great Apps at Spin Light. I cant wait to download some for Lil C!
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Workaholic turned SAHM to 3 amazing kids. Amy is a Social media lover turned blogger who writes about all things related to life: cooking, parenting, family events, drinks (Hey, we all need one once in a while!) and Local Michigan happenings.
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Jennifer Pierce says
Thanks so much i love to have education apps for my little guy when we are out grocery shopping or him something to do so I can get my shopping done.
fancygrlnancy (Nancy Partin) says
Thanks!! I have been wanting some good apps for my little man and didn’t know what were good. I’d hate to pay lots for something that didn’t turn out good.
Maria Iemma says
I do not have an iPad but my daughter does so I am telling her about this wonderful opportunity of learning apps for my grandkids. Thank you.