Here are some of the basic foods that i keep in the house for dylan… these include snacks also.
Dylan loves these. His favorite is the mango. He would drink just these if I let him.
We use the singles for when we are on the go.
These are a nice alternative to the standard puffs and they are made with rice milk.
Because most breads, cookies, and treats are made with some form of milk we found some items that were dylan friendly
The Blue Silk is what he drinks everyday and the Green Silk is what I use to cook his foods with.
These cheeses are not 100% dairy free. they are 100% lactose free but they have 1 casein (a dried skim milk protein). These cause Dylan some diarrhea and stomach cramps but for a long time it was the only cheese we could find that wasn’t dairy cheese. we have since found another cheese- which is made with rice milk making it vegan. so we do not use the others as much. only occasionally and we make those special treats, like pizza.
When we go to grandma and grandpas house or on a day trip we take along lots of items for the day… Dylan has his own bag and his own treat box. its amazing to me how much stuff we have to pack for him for a day but it amazes me even more that it all fits into the same diaper bag i have used since he was born.
… all of this stuff fits into this …
Soy Sunday;102 Basic/ Everyday Foods
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My sister had purchased many of these products for her granddaughter who is lactose intolerant. Wonder if she tried the Go Veggie cheese yet? Hmmm I know my grandchildren loved the Gerber graduates