With so many myths and legends around the foods that supposedly help with sex problems, it can feel impossible to know which to try; are any of these claims based on science, or were they invented by wily oyster-sellers, keen to boost their profits? The truth lies somewhere in between; the real benefits often come from specific nutrients and substances occurring naturally within the foods. Some of these boost performance in the long term, increasing your overall vitality, while others have more short-term but also more instantly pleasant effects.
5 foods that really can get you in the mood
There are several useful ingredients in a typical curry: chili and cayenne are known to increase the pulse, stimulate endorphin production, and mimic arousal, which can lead to the real thing; fenugreek was recently found to increase male libido by 25% – scientists think this is because it contains saponins, which stimulate production of male sex hormones; and garlic and ginger can improve circulation when eaten regularly. Just make sure, if you’re going for the garlic, that you both eat some.
A little good chocolate
Too much and you might lapse into a nauseated sugar-induced daze that overwhelms your interest in getting up off the sofa, let alone anything more energetic. But chocolate contains an amino acid called phenylalanine, which boosts our body’s endorphins (natural anti-depressants). So invest in a little good quality chocolate for an instant aphrodisiac – look for something with a high percentage of cocoa (60% is a good compromise if you don’t like really dark chocolate – it’s more expensive but much more pleasurable than the cheap & cheerful sort!
Fresh celery
This doesn’t sound very appetizing, I’m afraid, but celery contains androsterone, a hormone that’s released when men perspire. It typically makes women feel sexier, and is best eaten raw – scrape off the stringy sides with a knife to make it nicer to eat.
Raw oysters
Turns out it wasn’t just an oyster-seller’s ploy – raw oysters contain zinc, which stimulates testosterone, and other chemicals that can trigger desire and performance. Not much good for anyone with a shellfish allergy, though; other good sources include calves’ liver (not quite as stylish as oysters, it has to be said), shiitake mushrooms (a good vegetarian oyster-substitute) and asparagus (which contains other sex-boosting substances, too).
These help stimulate testosterone production because they contain potassium and riboflavin, low levels of which have been linked to infertility. Bananas also contain bromelain (pineapple is also good for this, if you don’t like bananas), which is believed to help the male sex drive, but this has yet to be scientifically proven.
A healthy diet that includes lean protein (fish, chicken, tofu etc) along with lots of fresh veg, whole fruit, and plenty of water, will keep your energy levels up and your organs functioning as best they can. Rich dairy, salty, processed or fried foods tend to make you tired and sluggish, and may even decrease interest in sex, so they aren’t so good for a healthy libido! Too much sugar and caffeine can also tire you out, as both cause exhausting waves of highs and lows throughout the day.
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