I love all the new babies that have come into our family. Lil Miss just became a big sister (her mom had a baby), and I recently became an Aunt… And one of our friends just had a little girl! So many new babies… So may things I can shop for. But I hate paying full bill for my purchases. That’s one reason I love shopping online. Not only can you find great deals, but you can also find great coupon codes – like the babyoye coupon codes.I have always loved looking through the Baby clothes sections when lil C was born. There weren’t as many cute outfits for little boys as there was for little girls, but I always found something that I liked for lil C.
As I mentioned above, I hated paying full price for baby clothes for lil C. I knew he wasn’t going to wear them a ton (like he does now) because babies grow so fast. So I would first start by looking at the clearance racks. I did most of my shopping by searching the clearance racks. One thing that I use to do is when summer items are on clearance, I would buy them in the next size up for that next summer, and when winter were on clearance, I would do the same. I just made sure that the items I bought were neutral enough where if styles changed then I wouldn’t have to worry. The next sections I would check out was the Sales racks. Many times I have been able to combine coupons with sale items. So that would make the prices almost as good as Clearance prices, if not better. There were occasions (like Holidays or special events) Where I couldn’t find anything on Sale in lil C’s size. That’s when I would have to go to the regular price items. Thankfully these times were far and few between.
Disclosure: Thank you for my wonderful sponsors for this post. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
I love a great clearance sale for babies clothes. I shop all year around and pick up extras for the next baby shower.
Mom2Mom sales are great too… You took me to my very first one, now i am HOOKED!!!
I love buying clearance, too! I buy up to two sizes larger than my grandsons need at the time because it saves so much money than buying full price when he needs something.