Remember last week, I mentioned that The Ringling Bros. Presents DRAGONS is coming to the Palace of Auburn Hills. If you havent already purchased your tickets, make sure you do so. Right now you can get a great deal on tickets. Just enter Promo Code 18MOM when purchasing tickets to get $18.00 Flat Ticket Prices. Tickets must be purchased in groups of Four. This promo is good on all performances. They are not valid on FR, CC or VIP seats. You can purchase tickets through Ticketmaster Online.
*I Received a set of tickets in exchange for this post. All opinons expressed are 100% my own.
I like seeing all the amazing skills of the people…plus the elephants are neat 🙂
I haven’t been to the circus since I was little! I would love to go again and bring back all my childhood memories! 🙂
I would love to see the Lions and Tigers!
I haven’t been to the circus since I was a kid ….long time ago!
The first time my boys will be going to the circus!
fw to taking my nephew he has never been and i miss going i love the new show
Love taking the kids to see the Circus. We took them to Cleveland this year to see it!