Wow, where has the time gone, Its been quite a few weeks since I have posted my pregnancy journal. This is where I am at now.
How Far Along –
As of today I am 19 weeks 4 days
Over the past couple weeks my lil peanut has been making their presence know. I am finally starting to gain weight. I started my pregnancy at 168.9 lbs, and at 19 weeks, I am at 175 lbs
Your baby’s sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don’t be shy about reading aloud, talking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you. (
Awww you look adorable! My favorite part of the pregnancy was the feeling of the baby moving around! I hope you get your energy back soon!
You look beautiful! Isn’t it nice to be out of that morning sickness stage? Could you imagine being one of those women who have morning sickness through out their whole pregnancies? That would be horrible. I am currently on the homestretch with baby #3 – just about 33 weeks. So excited! I wish us both happy and healthy pregnancies!
Congratulations! Hope everything goes well for the rest of your pregnancy
I LOVE what Santa left for your little peanut (and mama)! 😉 You’re looking great, and I’m super impressed with your minimal weight gain- your dr. better not be giving you grief anymore!!!
Congrats on Baby! I miss being pregnant. It was 3 of the greatest experiences of my life and then some. My Niece is having her first baby Due April 3rd, a boy. Children are a blessing. I am forever grateful to have been blessed with 3 with my Husband and his 2 older boys, my Stepsons. Bless you and yours. Looking forward to your progress and seeing the little bundle.
It’s a beautiful process. This is a great way of documenting it
thats a cute little belly. I cant wait to meet the little peanut.