This post is sponsored by the Center for Parent and Teen Communication. All thoughts are my own.
Looking at Peanut has made me remember how you, Lil C, were at her age. So many similarities. Like her you hated to sleep. Bedtime was always a struggle – and there were many nights I had to sing you to sleep, song after song after song. You always wanted to see what was going on. You didn’t want to miss anything. You were always more intrigued in learning than sleeping.
I know if I left bedtime up to you, you still would refuse to sleep. But instead of being nosy with what is going on in the room, you would rather stay up playing a video game. You do still love to learn, though. Until this year, you have never had any complaints about any of your academic classes. Thankfully it is that you just don’t care for the teacher – you haven’t lost your passion for learning. Just the other week your passion for learning made me so proud. I got to witness it when we took our Hunter’s Safety course together. You scored 100 on the test and all the content you learned in those 10 hours was new to you. You Were even able to outshine me with the practicals.
As much as I miss the days of you being a baby, I’m so excited to see what the future holds for you. But this video does remind me of some of the worries I have.
The Center for Parent and Teen Communication is a new, valuable resource for every parent navigating the teen years. You can get a taste for the type of advice you’ll find with this post from the director, Dr. Ginsburg.
Do you have any favorite memories of your kiddos as babies? How have your kids changed now that they are entering or are in their teenage years?
Things change but in reality things are still the same.