With Lil C, I wanted to use cloth diapers, but everyone who had a chance of watching him talked me out of it. I was working full time, so I had to go by what my sitters wanted. With Peanut though, Even though I worked full time, I was a co-owner of my own business, and I was able to take her to work with me every day. I tried a couple different styles, but I ended up falling in love with the Bum Genius Cloth Diaper line. Not only did they hold up well with peanut, but man the prints were So cute!
Fast forward a couple years and Peanut finally potty trained and I had to pack up all her diapers. This was probably the second hardest time on me with her growing up (The 1st time was taking her crib down and giving her a big girl bed). Shhh, I may have cried, as I put all the diapers in the drawer for the last time. I contemplated selling my diaper collection. We weren’t planning on having any more kids….
But I think God had a different plan for us. Guess what, In another 6 months, I get to bring all the diapers back out of storage, and I get to look at all the new prints again!
To celebrate this great news, I was able to partner with Mrs. Jennifer Labit to bring you a small interview and a giveaway of one of my Favorite Diapers!!! One of my lucky readers will win a BumGenius Freetime in Twilight – with a custom Doodle from Mr. Jimmy Labit.
A: My husband and I were on an extremely tight budget when we had our oldest son, Andrew. We were gifted a cloth diaper service, and then a friend actually gave me her baby’s cloth diapers. It was such an amazing gift because we didn’t have to choose between food and diapers. We just had to wash the diapers. I started selling slings and eventually cloth diapers. I added snaps to microfiber inserts to make our adjustable one-size inserts. In 2005, we rolled out bumGenius Original Pocket Diaper. They’ve come a long way since our first design!
Q: Being a musician who played Flute and Clarinet in my High School and College Jazz Ensemble, I loved Louis. I was so excited when I saw the clarinet in the print. Who is your favorite Genius that you have featured?
Q: Knowing that you’re getting closer to getting the Elemental Joy on the shelves at Walmart, how excited are you to be able to bring more affordable cloth diapering to more families.
We loved BG when we used cloth. Their prints are amazing! Such a fun giveaway for someone to win!
Ohhh!!! And congrats on the new little one!!! Such exciting news!
I would like a doctor who themed diaper. But maybe I’m just weird. But it’s one of those shows that I watch and the baby likes it too.
Congratulations on your new pregnancy. These diapers are cute!
I like the variety of prints they offer.
What a fun giveaway! Id love a Sherlock Holmes themed doodle!
Congrats on your pregnancy!
I would love to see a jungle theme. My son’s nursery has a girraffe, a hippo, and a lion. It would be super cute. I love how gender neutral bumgenius diapers are.
Currently, my little one is OBSESSED with dinosaurs…he would love a Dino print 🙂
I LOVE BG dipes! I have my whole stash and SURPRISE< even though Davin was a boy I have both those diapers you have in your pics…in my stash :p Waiting for my turn to be pregnant again and get to pull it all back out.
I love love love Bum Genius. I got my niece a bunch when she was pregnant! I miss fluffy bums. My nephew needs to have another baby soon so I can snuggle a fluffy bum
…also would love to see a Lord of the Rings inspired diaper.
Congrats on the pregnancy!
I would like a flamingo or maybe a hedgehog.
I would love to see a sunflower for a girl and a tractor fora boy!