It wasn’t that long ago that I was in the search of a place of living for Lil C and I. We were planning on moving out of the house we were in… And I was not sure If I was wanting to buy or to rent. There were so many different options and places to look, that my head started to spin. Before getting to a point where I was ready to give up, I was given a bunch of great suggestions on how to begin my search. That’s when I realized I was going about it all wrong.
The first thing I needed to do was figure out the Pros and Cons when it came to Renting and Buying a house. I knew that I wasn’t looking for a “Forever” home, but I knew I wasn’t planning on moving again for at least a year (Preferably two). Once I decided if I was going to buy or rent, I started to write down all the features that I was going to be looking for in my new home. With my list in hand, I turned to the internet to start my search for the perfect place for Lil C and myself to live.
Websites like Apartments For Rent in Michigan and Michigan Houses Online are both great places to start your search. Apartments for Rent in Michigan have some great locations in Farmington Hills and Keego Harbor. Here you can find 1, 2 and even 3 bedroom apartments at an affordable price. And to top it off, they are pet friendly (Which is something that was a mandatory for lil C and I to have). But if you are looking for a house, Michigan Houses Online is the place to look. They have locations at Tyrone Woods and Cedar Springs Mobile Estates . Tyrone Woods, located in Downtown Fenton, have house that are equipped with oak kitchens, large master bathroom suites as well as stone fireplaces. Cedar Springs Mobile Estates offer single and double-wide modular homes – Which can accommodate families big or small.
If you know someone who is looking to rent, make sure to tell them about ” Michigan Houses Online” and “Apartments For Rent in Michigan”.
Ugh, I hate house-hunting! That’s why I bought my own mobile home. If I feel like moving, I just have the whole house moved! LOL!
Looks like you did your research and found some good helping sites. So nice of you to share them with others to make their lives easier!
Thanks for sharing. We just moved into our new rental house and had the hardest time finding something perfect for us. Having good websites to help search is so helpful! We’ll probably move again next year and I’ll definitely check these out.
I would rather just NEVER move again. That said, it’s not likely. How great that there are resources like this locally for folks to be able to narrow down the field!
I remember moving as a child and hated it… When we lived in GA we had a hard time trying to find something to rent because we didn’t know the areas well enough…It’s great that there are resources like this locally for folks to be able to narrow down the field!
We are trying to decide whether to rent or buy. On one hand, renting is attractive because of the ability to get up and go when you want a change of pace but buying gives you roots. We are still up in the air on this one. I have not tried the internet yet but I certainly will now that I have read your review. I am off to make my list.
We are trying to decide whether to rent or buy. On one hand, renting is attractive because of the ability to get up and go when you want a change of pace but buying gives you roots. We are still up in the air on this one. I have not tried the internet yet but I certainly will now that I have read your review. I am off to make my list.
Moving is so difficult all by itself, that worrying about school, neighborhoods, etc seem to get lost in the shuffle.. Those websites are a great resource to assist in the moving process.
I have moved twice in my live and just hate it. thing get broken and lost or just lifted behind. thank for the websites they will be a good resource for the next time we need to move
I’m probably in the minority here, but I would love to move house! How exciting! We are hoping to move in the next year or two (I’m in England) and I’d love to move to Michigan, from what I’ve seen the houses are beautiful!
As a military family with over 20 moves to our name, I can tell you these types of rental websites are a life saver when you’re moving, especially to a new area.
Awesome post! I absolutely hate having to move, same situation every time, I start out all organized and labled and then stress kicks in, and then CRAZY!
I have been renting for the past few years but I’m starting to think about buying again. I think with looking at new jobs, it’ll probably be a while before I feel comfortable with placing more permanent roots.
I’ve never been to Michigan, but some really good friends of mine are planning on moving out there in the next couple of months and I will send them over to this post so they can see what websites you recommend. Michigan sounds like a wonderful place except the snow… The snow and I usually meet face first every time I’m in it,
We have friends who are thinking of moving to the Michigan area, I will have to be sure to tell them about this!
I have never lived in Michigan but I do know people from there. I recently moved and realized that I had NO idea how much stuff I had until I moved it all!!
It is so hard to find the right place to rent or buy. Years ago there weren’t helpful websites like they have now. Thank goodness for technology!
These look pretty nice however I live in the Poconos
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
What a great service! It’s so hard to find a place to move, services like this really make it easier.
It’s pretty tough to be in a situation where in you have to choose of buying or renting. But still, buying a house and lot is better. You will own it for as long as you live.. 🙂
House hunting is so hard, but thanks for this helpful post!
I found out recently that you never know how much stuff you have until you move!!!
My husband and I finally purchased a home but before that, I moved almost every year for almost 10 years! All of the apartment service sites are pretty good and can save you a LOT of time. I almost miss moving and having a new place to check out… Almost 🙂 It is also really nice to know that nobody will be stomping in the floor above me!
I remember my search for an apartment. it can be tiresome and frustrating. anything to make the process easier is appreciated
I have always told my husband that if we ever move again it will be the last time. I am really glad that they have websites that provide services like this to help those who are looking for a new place. It makes things so much easier.
Ugh i hate moving! We have done it a lot over the past several years because of my husband’s job. I’m always looking and checking out websites when searching for a new place.
We rented for a long time before we bought a house. Choosing a good place to rent is important and having online services that you can rely make a big difference and really simplify when you are looking for something specific. I will check these sites out. Thanks!
It was a few years ago since we were looking for some place to rent, but it was such a hassle. I would have loved something make it easier.
I am so happy that I am done house hunting! We moved into our first home last year and do not expect to be moving any time soon! It was so stressful.
These look pretty nice
I have lived in the home I am in now for 25 years and everytime I think of packing up to move I get hives
I’ve used the apartment website for other areas as well. Always a great help, especially if you’re new to an area.
I dont live in Michigan but Im starting the house hunting process.
great to know if i ever move to michigan
I don’t live in that area. In my area the best thing to do is actually find an apartment on foot. We have so my in one area.
very helpful!
We’re moving soon. :/ moving is always such a chore
This is interesting!
I think this is a services for looking for apartments.
buying is always better than renting because your money stays with you, but sometimes renting is the only option left and that’s okay too.
Great amenities and facilities here ,looks good to rent
i hated house hunting, but once you find the one you are in love with, its great!!!
We own our home and have for the last 10 years. A definite Khan is you are your own maintenance crew. A pro is that you can do whatever you want to your home. Overall I’d say we like owning our home.
I like to house hunt. I think it is exciting to walk in to a house and imagion yourself living in it. Where will I put this and that. How will I decorate it. I love all of it. I especially like that I can sense the vibes of a house even before entering it. Where it be positive or negative.
thanks for the information. we just went from homeowner to renter, and this was useful
I don’t live in Michigan, but I am looking for another rental in Texas.I wish we could buy a house but right now we can’t 🙁
Great information 🙂 I am not sure I would be moving to Michigan though.
Trying to find the perfect place to live can be a headache, and time consuming! It’s nice to have sites like these that can help with the process. I don’t live in Michigan, I live in Maryland and they have similar websites here, which we have used recently with success!
I don’t know anyone moving to those parts but will keep them in mind if I hear anything 🙂 As for me moving in general is a huge hassle. HATE IT.
Finding the perfect place takes work. To rent or to buy … Both have their advantages & disadvantages. I prefer to rent.
Finding a good suitable place to live is hard! I had to leave my parents house (or I was going to go insane) when I has a 2.5 year old & 7 months pregnant. it was so hard, especially because of my budget. i ended up having to settle for a one bedroom in the ghettos, but we moved out when my son turned 1! now we are in the spot ive wanted to be in for a long time!
I live in Ky
Lived in Pa. All my life and after 61yrs I can’t see me changing that now … Unless the floods are coming, you won’t be hearing from me. Sorry.
These websites look very useful. Thanks for sharing!