If you have a child, you are always going to want to look out for them. As a parent, that is one of your key responsibilities. You want to ensure that they are healthy and safe. When your child is very young, this is a little easier to do. But as they grow up and become adolescents and eventually adults, this gets harder. The more they gain independence, the less control you have.
As a parent, you learn that you have to be able to let go sometimes. With teenagers especially, it is important to give them a sense of independence and control over their own life. But there are still ways to look out for them. Read on to learn about ways you can help your teen stay safe and healthy in 2019.
Vaping aka e-cigarettes has been on the rise the last few years. Much of this stems from the fact that many e-cigarette companies have manufactured vaping devices that appeal to teens. As a result, many teens have developed nicotine addictions.
Vaping is wildly popular, and some teens who choose not to take part in it find themselves ostracized from their peers. But you can talk to your teen about the dangers of nicotine addiction and why vaping is not a better choice.
It is also important to be aware of the different drugs you can vape. Nicotine is not the only substance that finds its way into e-cigarette devices. The most common vaping drug to be aware of is marijuana. Other drugs that teens have been using in vape pens include spice, flakka, and DMT. It is important to research the effects of these drugs so you can recognize possible symptoms in your teen.
Sexual Safety
Another critically important topic when it comes to adolescent health is sexual safety. As children enter puberty, they will experience a rush of new hormones. This often leads to an increase in sexual desires and behavior. All this is completely natural.
However, as your teen begins to have these experiences, there are things you can do to make sure they are educated about safe sex. Teenagers who are are not properly informed about safe sex practices are more likely to engage in risky behaviors. Talk to your teen about the danger of having unprotected sex and the safer alternatives.
In most states, at the age of 15, your child can get a learning permit and get on the road. By 16, they can take their driving test and earn their driver’s license. But just because they have a license, it doesn’t mean they are automatically a safe driver.
As you teach your kid to drive, make sure you explain to them how to be a safe and responsible driver. If you can, enroll them in driving lessons, so they can learn not only how to drive but all the rules to follow and techniques to use to ensure they can do so safely.
Make sure that your child understands the dangers of texting and driving and driving under the influence. After all, it is their safety and the safety of others on the road for which they are responsible.
Maintaining Contact
If you are the parent of a teenager, you know that they like to live their own lives. Sometimes, this means they aren’t always as responsive as you would like. But it is important to maintain regular communication with your kid. If something happens, you should be able to contact them in case of an emergency. Talk to them about checking in with you consistently, especially if they go out.
Raising a teenager is hard enough, but hopefully, these tips will help you feel a little more at ease!
This is a great post. Vaping is a huge topic right now!