When lil C was born, I learned a lot of new things about child safety. And that’s when I realized that safety has come a LONG way over time. Especially when it comes to safety in the car. Before I had lil C, I thought that a car seat was just a car seat. But as soon as I walked into the store to start a registry, I learned that there were Rear facing car seats for infants and front facing car seats for older children. I then made sure to do a little research before we chose the car seat that we were wanting…. But, Until recently, I didn’t realize all the laws regarding Car seats.
In Michigan here are some of the Laws regarding carseats:
* Babies and Toddlers should ride in a rear facing car seat until the age of two (2)
* Children between the ages of two (2) and four (4) should ride in a forward facing car seat.
* Children must be properly secured in a car seat or a booster seat until they are eight (8) years of age or reach the height of four (4) feet, nine (9) inches tall.
And US citizens are not the only ones who are talking about Rear Facing Car seats. I for one, am all for Children to be in a rear facing car seat until well over their first birthday. There is so much benefit to having your child facing the the rear of the car. Especially when it comes to safety of your child. If ever you were to get into a car accident, the force of motion would snap your child’s head forward – (if he/she faced forward as an infant) This could Seriously injure your child’s neck, where with the same force, you may only get a slight case of whiplash . This is something that was never considered when myself – or my parents were infants.
What’s your opinion about having your children rear facing until age 2? How about to the age of 4?
* S.P. All opinions expressed above are my own.
We rear faced with the last two children until they were about 20 months. Before that we always turned them at 1 year.
I’m pretty sure it’s not *law* to have your child rear-face until 2, yet. I spoke with the Sheriff about a month ago and he follows the car seat laws, he says he’s pretty sure once the law goes into effect it will be worded more like “rear facing as long as the seat permits”. So- it could possibly mean much longer than 2 years old. It will be interesting to see.
I’d much rather see children safe in cars, so I do everything in my power to promote rear-facing.
I know that laws definitely change over time. I think when my kids were little it was until they were 1 they were required to be rear facing. My boys are now 13 and 9 and both glad to not have to be in a booster of any sort. lol Safety is really priority one when it comes to our little ones and riding safely!
My 3.5 year old is RF and will stay that way until she is at least 4. I would rather be safe than sorry and she is very comfortable anyway.
I think it’s a good idea. We had our son rear facing until he was like 16 months, but that was before they changed to two years. That said, he’s 5.5 years old and he’s still in a 5 point harness. He’ll stay that way for a little longer!