I can not believe it… My lil guy starts Kindergarten this year! I am excited and nervous at the same time… Excited because I get to do all the fun things like Shopping for Back to School. I hated shopping for myself when I was in school, but now it’s different! It has become fun! But with me working 2 jobs, I don’t have much time to shop during daylight hours – so it’s always in the evening – after 8 or 9pm. Thankfully Stores like Walmart are still open at that time! And I am surrounded by Walmarts! I have 3 withing a 5 mile radius from me! But one of my favorite Walmarts has to be the one that is right by the Murphy USA Station. Where else can you get back to school shopping, great prices on drinks and snacks and the cheapest gas in the area?
I started my travels around 9pm, and after working for a Full day, I was slightly exhausted, but this was the earliest shift that I had all week – So I may as well take advantage of it. It’s hard to be energized to shop that late at night, but I figured I’d stop in Murphy USA and get myself a quick pick me up. Not often do I drink any types of energy drinks, but when I do they sure do help. Also, while I was there I figured I would get a little “pick me up” for my car – especially since my fuel tank was running low.. After filling up, i ran into the station itself. I heard that Pepsi came out with an energy drink – and I so wanted to try it, but …low and behold my Murphy Station didn’t have any. 🙁 So, I went for the next best thing – the Monster Energy Drinks that are on sale 2 for 3.00! That’s not bad!!! I got one for now, and one for the next time I decide I need to do some late shopping (*Update, my husband claimed it right when I got home) Also, when Checking into Murphy USA on Foursquare, they had a special of buy 1 get 1 coke 20 oz. product free! So, 2 Monsters and 2 Diet Coke 20 oz Drinks… cost me less than 5.00!! Can’t beat that. With my energy drink in hand, I left the building and headed across the street for Walmart.
When I got to Walmart, even the Greater was friendly – at 9pm! 😀 I know every walmart is laid out a little Differently, So I figured I would make 1 big trip around the store to pick up everything I needed….. Didn’t expect to get sidetracked by the Clearance Clothes though – But I am not complaining, I found Lil C 3 new School Shirts!!! Next through my travels, The Ink section…. The printer needs black ink – So we can print of little Coloring Sheets and Educational Packages for Lil C. I have found many websites that are geared to helping teach children OUTSIDE of the class room – with Writing, and reading and all the other subjects that a Kindergartner needs. After Picking that all up, i made it around the final 2 corners of the store. I thought I passed the School supplies, so I asked, and …well, If i would have walked more towards the check out lanes, I would have found the back to school section. It is a little hard to miss – with all those YELLOW display boxes. Do you want to see what I managed to Get? Sneak a peak at my ThisMoment project below!
The Next day after this memorable Walmart Shop, i decided to and do some more Back to School Clothing shopping. I checked out our local Parisian Store and found a bunch of Kids Clearance – and to top it off, they were running an additional 60% off the clearance price. I walked out with 4 shirts for under 20.00! How sweet is that?! I am starting to like this back to school shopping!
What are some of you most favored Back to School Items? Do you usually go shopping with or with out the kids?
Take a moment to check out Pepsi on Facebook and Twitter, as well as Checking out Monster on Facebook and Twitter.
This shop/project has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. All opinions/experiences are that of my own.
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