The radio-controlled vehicles look they’ve been sitting in the yard of a shade tree mechanic for years complete with rusted fenders, hand-weathered body paint (no two trucks are the same), license plate, window banners, custom grill, beefy off-road tires and working suspension. You can spec out your own truck with redneck bumper stickers like “Kiss My Bass,” “Mess with me, you mess with the whole trailer park,” “Possum, the other white meat,” and more! Instructions feature game play to rival the tailgating fun of corn-hole, washers and horseshoes at picnics, barbeques and family reunions.
Redneck Roadkill comes in three varieties: Bo Skeeterz Tow Truck, Raging Bull Pickup Truck and Daisy Jo’s Camel Tow(ing), and again, there are Tailgate Edition and Zombie Roadkill Escape editions – and please note that only one varmint was killed in the creation of Redneck Roadkill and we do not support violence against critters, mascots or zombies.
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