With the Superbowl coming up.. Now is a great time to get some Pre-Parties going on. When ever we have a chance to, we love getting together with our group of friends. Superbowl Sunday would be the Perfect day to hang out and watch the great game, but everyone has already made plans – so we figured why not have a Football themed get together this weekend. Now the challenge… What to feed the guys. Right now, its just my income really supplying the house – so I have to watch how much I spend… So… What can you get for a party that would cost under 5.00 a person? PIZZA and Pop! So off I went to Walmart to grab a DiGiorno Pizza or two and some soda.
Have you heard those commercials that say “Its not delivery, its DiGiorno!”
This tag-line stuck in my head all the way to Walmart! I have heard great things about the DiGiorno Pizza so i figured I would try it. Walmart had a Great selection of Pizzas to choose from… I have heard of most of them, just from walking through the pizza aisles when i do grocery shopping… but none of them stick out like DiGiorno Pizza. They had a full selection of Rising Crust Pizzas. I chose the Peperoni and Supreme Pizzas. I was hoping to find a Veggie Pizza, but o well, they can just pick off the meat. Then on to drinks. Thankfully I don’t have a group of friends that are drinkers, so they are fine with soda! And my luck – Pepsi is on sale for 1.00!!! So I loaded up on Mt. Dew and grabbed some diet Coke for me. We already have a stock pile of chips and pretzels at the house -they are a staple snack in my home (in case of any random house guests)
I wont be home when the party starts.. so it will be upto the hubbs to get everything ready… (I’ll make sure to let you know how that all went).
I am just hoping that there is at least 1 piece of DiGiorno Pizza left when I get home from work.
How are you planning on spending your Game Time Weekend??? What would be your choice of foods – if you are given a budget of 5.00 per person?
*I was compencated for my time and shop by Collective Bias. All opinions and ideas in this post are my own.
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