Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. That means it’s time to worry about what to bring to the class party! Many schools now don’t allow homemade items anymore, so your options are limited to the same thing all the other parents pick up in the local discount store. I really enjoy personalizing the party favors, and I know my lil guy loves bringing in something a little more than just a card. This year he’s wanting to bring suckers in to his class as well. We’re going to add toppers to the lollipops to make them a little more special. Lollipop toppers are super easy to put together. All you have to do is tape one of the lollipops to each of these cards and pass them out at school! It gives him something unique to give out, and it stays within the classroom policies.
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What you will need:
of your choice
8×10 Cardstock
Heart shaped stickers
These are super easy to make.
1. Gather all your lollipops.
2. Print out desired quantity of lollipop toppers – you will fit 4 on a regular sheet of paper or card stock.
3 Cut out the toppers.
4. Punch out the circle (You can use a sharp pointed object, or a small hole punch if you have one available)
5. Place the stick of the lollipop through the hole.
6. Fold the top and bottom over – like you would a matchbook.
7. Use stickers of your choice to close these covers.
That’s all there is to it! Lollipop toppers make Valentine’s Day class parties way more fun!
Thanks for sharing a very cute Valentine’s Day project for the family!
These are super cute. My nieces would love these.