**I received a Cars Themed Party Pack for Review purposes only. All opinions are 100% my own.
If you are like me, you try to find the best deal in town for everything you use. Birthdays tend to be the hardest thing for me to put together. Thinking of a theme… Trying to Track down the different Items… Making sure you have enough Plates and Napkins… It seems to be never ending… Until I came across Kids Party World. They have party supplies for every occasion, including birthday party supplies for children’s parties.
With Kids Party World, you can search by Party type. You can also search by theme! This was the easiest rout for me to go! Knowing my son Loves Cars… I knew exactly what to look for. Everything on this website is laid out nicely. The Party Themes are in alphabetic order, so if you know the theme you want, you can easily find it. I easily found the Cars Party Theme. When you click on that theme, it lists EVERYTHING that they offer relating to it. The party packs are made with 8 of each item. If you need extras, you can order them separately. And to top it off, The prices are great! They offer a discount on EVERY item.
Kids Party World has allowed me to Review their Cars Party Pack. This was the perfect size for the smaller size party that we ended up having for the Lil Guy’s 5th Birthday. It was just a party including the family and a handful of friends. The cups were the perfect size for Soda for the kids (this is the one special time that most all the kids are allowed to have pop – you got to love special occasions) and with the cups and plates having different designs on them – the kids were all able to tell who’s plate was who’s. I really did like the table cloth that was sent. It wasn’t a thin cheap plastic cloth. This particular cloth was made a little thicker – and was super easy to wipe off and clean. This makes it great if you have multiple parties and want to keep the same theme table decoration. The hit of the party (besides the cake and presents) Were the Car Launcher party favors. All the kids loved them. We had little plastic cars flying all over the house. Even some of the adults got ahold of them and were playing with em!
Kids Party SuppliesCan be found on Facebook. You can also follow them via Twitter @Kids Party World
**I received a Cars Themed Party Pack for Review purposes only. All opinions are 100% my own.
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