When I was going through my pregnancy with lil C, everyone gave me their stories of raising a new born. I wasn’t sure if they were just trying to Scare me – or if they were just making sure I was well informed for when the time came. One thing – thankfully – that lil C didn’t go through was a stage of Colic. But I know many moms who’s children did. With my soon to be Sister In Law expecting, I am so glad that I know there is products on the market if her lil one has colic. I’m so glad to be working with Colief Infant Drops to bring all the new moms this great product!
Colief Infant Drops (www.colief.com) is the only colic solution that has been clinically proven to reduce colic-associated crying time by 45% when caused by Transient Lactase Deficiency (TLD)*. TLD is a temporary lactose intolerance that occurs in approximately 38% of infants who develop colic. For babies with TLD, research suggests, that adding a lactase enzyme – as only found in Colief Infant Drops – to either the breast milk or milk-based formula, can help the baby to digest the lactase, reducing colic.
What else is unique about Colief?
- The drops are mixed with the milk (either a small amount of expressed breast milk or the milk-based formula bottle), so it is not given directly to the baby
- Can be used with breast milk, so it allows a breastfeeding mom to continue to do so without experimenting with other feeding styles, such as formulas
- Clinically-proven
- It helps digest around 70% of the lactose, allowing the baby’s natural digestion to take care of the rest for better digestive development
- Can assist with colic clarity as a first-step in determining if the baby has TLD-associated colic before experimenting with other options
- Available over-the-counter Colief for a suggested retail price of $14.99.
- It is a Mommy MD Guide Recommended Product and has been awarded the Parent Tested Parent Approved seal of approval
- Ask your pediatrician for a Colief coupon or visit http://colief.us/coupons.html to download a $2 off coupon now.
Because I think Mothers Day should be celebrated more than one time a year, I am giving away 1 – Colief Infant Drops to that Special Mom!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*I received a complimentary box of Colief in exchange for this post. I was not financially compensated for this post.
I would probably keep it for myself just in case Julia has colic when she is born.
I would give this to my niece who just had her fist baby that has colic.
I would give it to my sister to use with my nephew