All right… I need a show of hands here… How many people here have heard of Cake Pops…? Up until now I couldn’t tell you what a Cake Pop is or How they are made… I just knew that Everyone was talking about them, and I NEEDED to See what they were all about. So I was Super excited with Mizz Review Lady said that we were going to be able to Feature Cake Pop My Heart in our Cupids Countdown to Love Gift Guide.
Who is Cake Pop My Heart? Well, She original Started on a little site called Etsy. Cake Pop My Heart did Super well on there, so she opened up her on Online Store. I am not surprised that she did so well on Etsy – You HAVE to see some of her designs!
Now my question is What is a Cake Pop. I love the fact that there is a little button on the Cake Pop My Heart website that takes you DIRECTLY to the answer. So, What is a Cake Pop? “A cake pop is a cake that has been baked and let cooled. Then crumbled very fine. Icing is added and mixed until the texture is creamy and dough like. Then it is rolled into a ball or any shape that is desired. It is then dipped into a decedant chocolate and decorated just right!” (CakePopMyHeart)
I received 14 ADORABLE Cake Pops for Review…. They were so Cute that I didn’t want to bite into them. Especially the cute little frog! We actually gave one to Lil C’s Grandma because she loves frogs! (hmmm, wonder what she thought of them) As a snack after dinner the day they arrived, Lil C and I shared a Cake Pop. I figured if we share, we could try a couple different cake pops – with out seeming like little piggies. The first Cakepop we bit into was a Conversation Heart Pop. This Had one of my Favorite Valentine Treats topping the cake pop – The Conversation Hearts. Being a Good mommy, I let Lil C have the first bite…. His eyes lit up when he got the taste of the cake and the chocolate! It was a 5 year old’s heaven! After seeing and tasting Cake Pops, I know Exactly what I am going to get for Favors for the Next Wedding/Baby shower I plan…. and I will Defiantly be visiting Cake Pop My Heart for those CakePops. What is your favorite Cake Pop?
* I received a set of Cake Pops for review purposes only. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
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