October is officially Breast Cancer Awareness month and Teleflora will be honoring Breast Cancer Awareness by donating 15% of the purchase price from each sale of their Teleflora’s Pink Grace bouquet to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, not only in the month of October, but all year-round. The Pink Grace bouquet is a stunning floral bouquet arrangement of pink roses, pink spray roses, hot pink carnations and soft pink alstroemeria accented with assorted greenery.
Receiving flowers makes you happy but receiving flowers that makes a difference in other’s lives is truly earth shattering.
However, Teleflora would love one of you to win a $75 Gift Code so you can share the love. Winner will be randomly selected by PromoSimple and will have 48hrs to respond. Failure to do so will mean forfeiting your prize and a new winner will be chosen. Good luck.
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