Since this is my second pregnancy, I know once the bump starts growing, it grows fast. But there is always that in between phase where people cant tell if you are pregnant or if you are just putting on extra pounds for the winter. And that is where I am. I don’t have the full baby belly yet, so I know I get look from people who don’t know the good news yet… Those looks that question if I just gained weight. That’s where [bump] babies came to the rescue. They sent me two of their [bump] shirts for review.
A little about how [bump] babies was created: [bump] babies Inc started the day I found out I was pregnant. It’s a feeling that every first-time mum can relate to. There was a transition time in the first trimester when no one could tell if I was pregnant or if I lost my gym membership and was binging on ice cream & chocolate! I wanted to scream “I’m not fat…[bump] on board!” to everyone that stared at my changing body. Little did I know it takes at least 4 to 5 months until the [bump] finally pops and people could actually tell I had a “[bump] in the oven”.
I am completely in love with the two shirts that I received. The first is a light blue Tank Top that reads “Im not fat [bump] on board“. Both of the kids got a big kick out of it. They did ask what BUMP meant… BUMP stands for “Baby Under Manufacturing Process” Lil Miss understood that phrase, I had to explain it a little to lil C. ( The word Manufacturing caught him off guard). They also sent me the “[bump] baby under manufacturing process” Long sleeve shirt. This has to be my favorite shirt! With it coming up to winter in Michigan, I live in Long Sleeve shirts. This particular shirt is very classy – with a bit of bling. The [bump] logo is created with Swarovski Crystals.
The [bump] apparel line comes in 2 sizes – s/m or l/xl. I have always wavered between a medium and large, so I went with the l/xl size. I am so glad that I did. There is plenty of room for my bump to grow (along with giving ample room for the girls as they get bigger). I love wearing my [bump] shirts. Now everyone will know that there is a baby on the way without having to feel funny questioning.
Make sure you use the code MSM15 at checkout to save 15% on you purchase. Follow [bump] babies on facebook and twitter for all updates.
I have 2 shirts from them and I love both of them!
I love the meaning of “bump”, very cute!
would love to have had some of these shirts when I was pregnant but I am due anytime now with my last baby