Yes, you heard me right, I wanted a new phone… I was spoiled and got to try out the Droid Bionic not too long ago. This Phone came complete with its own Lapdock. If you don’t know much about the Droid Bionic, Let me tell you a little about it.
This is what Verizon Says about the Droid Bionic: With an HDMI connection and mirror mode, bend your TV to your will, playing games and videos on it in full 1080p HD. Access your computers wirelessly and grab videos, photos, and music off of them on–the–go. Droid Bionic is equipped with a warehouse’s worth of next–generation DDR2 on–board RAM and a dual–core 1GHz processor, so you can cruise the web and take what’s yours at the supersonic speed of Verizon 4G LTE. Transform Bionic into more than a smartphone with a full Firefox 4.0 browser, keyboard, trackpad and multi–window capabilities all on a 11.6 inch screen. ( fell in love with the features of this phone. Being able to travel and not have to carry a HUGE laptop is such a bonus. The lapdock is extremely light weight – and the Bionic easily hooks up to it. This is where all your internet capabilities come from. Is it just as fast as a Home computer… No, but it is as fast as your phone. And most of the time, that is all a business person needs. Every one in the MI Savings Mama Household had to have a chance trying out the Bionic with LapDock. Even the 5 Year old figured out how to work it. When we originally set it up, We realized that there was not much instructions as to how to get it to work. I had to do an internet search – when it wouldn’t power up properly with the phone being plugged in. Low and behold, the best advice we got was just to restart the phone and it worked.
All I wanted for Christmas was…. Droid Bionic with Lapdock
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