I love music – and I want to show it off… If you don’t remember, I made wall plaques from music note decals around Christmas Time. Well, this time I received a perfect quote for my wall – “Music is not what I do, its who I am” .. And I believe that to be 100% true. Not only do I play music, but music is a big part of my life. Music is what Calms me… and what energizes me… There are song created for every mood.
The Story Behind Trading Phrases: Trading Phrases is a family-owned company located in Columbus, Ohio which specializes in creating beautiful vinyl lettering designs for your home or business. The name Trading Phrases was inspired by one of our favorite television shows, Trading Spaces, which aired for eight years on TLC. The “Trading” aspect of our name fits perfectly as our designs make special gifts for weddings, new babies, or anniversaries. Consider purchasing one of our designs as a gift for your child’s first college apartment or dorm room, a housewarming party, or to commemorate any of life’s other milestones. “Phrases” is our name’s counterpart because our vinyl lettering creates beautiful designs using words, phrases, sayings, and memorable quotations. We also offer custom designs where we can turn your special saying or memory into extraordinary artwork. (TradingPrases)
I chose to hang this decal on my office wall. It is a very simple wall – which was completely empty. This decal fit perfectly on there. now when anyone comes in they can see that music is who I am. Music is a part of me and it always will be. (compliments to my dad for taking the photo while I was hard at work!!! Getting my posts up!)
I received a Decal in exchange for my review. All opinions are 100% my own. I was not financially compensated for this post.
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