I have noticed that there have been more and more “recycled” products on the market. But one of my more favored companies for recycling products is Terracycle. Being a mom, I have bought MANY Capri Sun juice boxes….and right on the box, they tell about this great company that Recycles the pouches – along with many other products. That is where I originally heard about Terracycle…But did you know that they also recycle things like Wine corks and Computer circuit boards!
A little about Terracycle: TerraCycle’s purpose is to eliminate the idea of waste. We do this by creating national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste. Anyone can sign up for these programs, called the Brigades, and start sending us waste. TerraCycle then converts the collected waste into a wide variety of products and materials. With more than 20 million people collecting waste in 14 countries TerraCycle has diverted billions of units of waste and used them to create over 1,500 different proucts available at major retailers ranging fromWalmart to Whole Foods Market. Our goal is to eliminate the idea of waste by creating collection and solution systems for anything that today must be sent to a landfill. (Terracycle)
I have had the opportunity to receive a couple products from Terracycle! They sent me the Wine Cork Board and Circuit board Coasters. When they arrived, I was so excited to open it… My mom actually stuck her hand in the box before it was fully opened to see if she could guess what it was… her guess was “An Alligator” no mom, it wasn’t an alligator, but I can see where she came up with that. The board is made up of many different Wine bottle corks. This is defiantly a great addition to any office room – a place to hang your notes or little pictures of your kids – so you can look at them while you work! And dont forget about those coasters. How cool is it that you can put your drink on a circuit board? A computer chip…. When any other time you’d be deathly afraid to get a drink near anything electronic! I am so looking forward to sharing these coasters with my cousin – who is such a computer techy! 😀
Well, If you havent been able to tell by the Title, Terracycle is Sponsoring a giveaway in my ABE 2.0 package! You should take a moment to check out their website! I’m sure you’ll be surprised to find that there is more than just recycled juice pouch coolers! What are some of the other items you like? You can also follow Terracycle on Facebook and also on Twitter.
**I received a Coaster Set and Cork Board for review purposes only. All opinions are 100% my own
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