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“The style was fresh, the writing slick and fast-paced, with witty dialogue and delightful details that gave realistic characterization and narration. Travis’ creative liberties added an original kick, but did not stray so far from what happened in history to make it seem like two different Americas. The progression of the novel
was noteworthy, I like the way the characters develop and change throughout the period of time that elapsed. One of my favorite things about the novel was the international scope, which still plays a huge part of American politics.”
Read the reviews on by Amazon readers, more about the author and other books by Cathy Travis.
Special Must-Read Price Cut: E-book was $5.00 and is now .99 cents!
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“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” Gloria Steinem’s glorious adage appears in the Preface of Michael Kirchubel’s Vile Acts of Evil – Banking in America for good reason: This work is certain to anger you because the truth is far worse than anything you could have ever imagined. “Vile Acts of Evil” is the worker’s guide to the history of American banking. This is the real story of money, greed, and power in America. The book’s format is unique: quotes from newspapers, historians, economists, bankers, and political figures drive the story line and alternate with Kirchubel’s insightful, clarifying commentary. The result is a lively and surprisingly captivating conversation on the true, unseen causes of our nation’s major calamities: the recessions, depressions, panics, wars, foreclosures, and bailouts. This is a totally new analysis of our American economic and political history, from colonial times to today, complete with simple recommendations for preventing further calamities. Vile Acts of Evil is truly a modern-day Rosetta Stone, a powerful, interpretive, clarifying lens through which all historical, economic, and political works must now be reviewed and every American’s comfortable, well-worn political convictions re-examined.
Special Must-Read Price Cut Price is currently $20.66, which is 10% off on or $9.99 on Kindle.
One Man & One Woman by Daniel Archangel
With the U.S. Supreme Court dodging the chance to define “marriage” in the law, this ultra-realistic legal drama engages the reader to tackle the issue head-on.
More About The Book
Who Decides What Makes a Marriage? In a tale that ends the marriage debate, One Man & One Woman goes beyond ceremonies, vows, celebrations and gifts to delve into what a marriage truly means to those who enter into it. Read more about the author, Daniel Archangel.
Special Must-Read Price Cut! If you like thematic fiction, buy One Man & One Woman and receive a free PDF EBook of any other novel by Daniel Archangel (see Amazon) or trade paperback for just $5 (plus $4 S&H). Order from Liveware Publishing directly or send your Amazon receipt to take advantage of this offer.
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Young does a very good job telling a well-rounded story; giving you bits and pieces, hints of connections here and there, but not enough for you to figure things out until he wants you to. I very much enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more from Young and I hope this is only the beginning of Simon’s story!
Special Must-Read Price Cut: E-books are .99 – regularly 2.99 – paperback signed by author $4.99 regularly $10.00 (order from the author for discount)
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Kenly is a writer; he’s got that mysterious thing analogous to perfect pitch. Kenly’s writing flows with the natural ease of a conversation with an old friend. His story unrolls with its own momentum. (Kenly) did a great job of capturing and holding my attention. I enjoyed reading about life growing up in Pennsylvania. The Boy Scouts, the river, the Christmas trees all seemed so familiar to me. There are so many things that we could do as kids that no one would get away with now. I also enjoyed reading about “life in corporate America” (particularly things I never knew about the men’s room) and I loved, loved, loved reading about the adventure to Russia. I felt I was right there in with him. The chapter “Sign Posts on the Journey” was one
of my favorite chapters. It was a magical, wondrous chapter full of wisdom and insight. So much was said in that chapter in a simple and profound way. The book is a sophisticated mixture of happiness, sadness, beauty, comedy, and philosophy that grabbed at my emotions and brought me to many different levels at the same time. I strongly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in reading something that is light and funny in some parts while, at the same time, provides you with food for thought. A+++
More About The Book
Raised in the forest alone by his father after a series of misfortunes turned their family’s life upside down, Robert’s life experience isn’t typical. But now, at the age of thirteen, it’s time for him to go out into the wider world. With only his native intelligence and the wisdom his father has imparted to him, Robert entered the
American lifestyle in 1969. Always guided by his father’s principle that when faced with a difficult decision, he should stop and ask himself “What if…?” Robert navigates a world full of people whose motives are less than pure, and finds friends who will last a lifetime. Follow Robert from the wilderness of Colorado to the wild side of Woodstock; from the back of a VW van to a safe haven with a family he never expected; from rags to riches; and from living outside the world to finding a secure place and identity for himself. Colorado to Woodstock and Back Again will prove to you, as well as to Robert, that “if” is at the center of “life”!
You can also find the book at Barnes & Noble!
Special Must-Read Price Cut: Available on Kindle and Nook for just $3.99
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“FIVE STARS! I really enjoyed this tale. Philip Kraske is a talented author having created two diverse but fascinating characters.”– Ann Boling for Readers Favorite Awards, awarding the top five-star rating to “The
Magnificent Mary Ann”
“Consummate craftsmanship….a great read.”–David Shea.
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The 2013 Eric Hoffer Awards honored Slum as a finalist for the Montaigne Medal, awarded to “the most thought- provoking book.” Slum was also a finalist for the First Horizon Award, given to “superior work by debut authors.” In addition, Slum made the short list for the grand prize.
Special Must-Read Price Cut: Just 99 cents on Kindle and Nook
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I buy Tom’s books because I’ve known him for a few decades. I read his books because they offer practical solutions to everyday living situations we all face. Stress Free Living published at a time where there were extensive personnel being made at my company. His advice was timely, practical and got me through the transition with grace and clear thinking. Buy it. Read it. You can also visit Thomas Mayberry’s website for more information.
Special Must-Read Price Cut: E-book was $2.99 and is now 99 cents. Paperback was $9.99 and is now $6.99.
More About The Book
After more than forty years of practicing psychiatry, Dr. David Peretz has turned to a life of crime (fiction, that is). VENGEANCE OUT OF THE SHADOWS is the third in his Ross Cortese NYPD series. Be sure to follow David Peretz on Facebook.
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