This is a post written by me in behalf of Invisalign. All opinions expressed are my own.
When I was in elementary school, I knew so many people who had Braces…. And it always seemed like it was the COOL kids who were sporting them. They were able to change out the colors of their bands depending on the holidays. It may sound wrong to say, but back then I was slightly jealous of those who needed braces…. But braces weren’t all fun and glory. As I reached Junior High, My cousin ended up getting braces. He was a clarinet player like myself… But had to give that up and change instruments because of the mouth plate he had along with his braces. And then going Trick or Treating with the other cousins… We were all excited when we got back to grandmas house to be able to go through and pick out our favorite candies – and have one or two… And there’s my cousin, having to pick out half of his goodies because he couldn’t eat them. That’s when I realized, they weren’t everything that I thought they’d be. And I was thankful, that my teeth were straight enough that Braces weren’t brought up.
Now fast forward a handful of years. Now I have to think about the health of my children’s teeth. I took Lil C to the dentist for his yearly exam – and I did question my dentist about his teeth – because they are So Gappy right now. And I was told, that as long as his teeth continue to grow in normally, he wont need any. Then there’s my soon to be step-daughter, lil Miss. She’s already gotten most all of her adult teeth- and she was recently told that it was recommended that she get braces. After remembering what my cousin went through, I have been talking to my fiancee about possible options for her. From what I have been told by a few who’ve worn braces, they are not the most comfortable things especially when it comes to being adjusted. And that’s when I was invited to learn about Invisalign. And Learned that the Invisalign Teen would be a great possibility for her.A little about Invisalign: Invisalign’s treatment capabilities are not limited to mild cosmetic cases. Due to many advances in its proprietary
technology, Invisalign can effectively correct a broad range of more complex cases such as: overly crowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, open bite, crossbite, overbite and underbite. Visit the Invisalign website to learn about all of the dental issues Invisalign can treat. Among the new advances in orthodontia, removable aligners, like Invisalign & Invisalign Teen, are fast becoming a popular choice. The system uses a series of clear aligners made of lightweight plastic that sit smoothly on the teeth allowing for a more comfortable fit and they work as effectively as traditional metal braces.
Both my fiancee and I have talked a lot about Invisalign Teen. It would be a GREAT alternative to the traditional metal Braces. The Invasalign aligners can be removed – so Lil Miss would still be able to eat, brush and floss like she normally would. She would be able to eat the foods – and snacks that lil C is able to eat – and wont have to feel like she is left out. Also, She’s at the Awkward age in life. Being a pre-teen, shes very easily hurt by mean-spirited comments. With Invisalign, she would be able to smile confidently – because it is almost invisible. So our next steps, to go to a dentist that specializes in Invisalign, and see if she will qualify. She will need to have all her adult teeth in to be able to use Invisalign.
Have you ever had any experience with Invisalign? With Traditional Braces? Make sure to visit the Invisalign Website for any additional information. You can follow Invisalign on Facebook and Twitter as well!
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
I recently learned, Kate Middleton of the royal family of England used Invisalign to straighten her teeth.
I had braces on my front teeth when I was young, but we didn’t stick with it. I could definitely use Invisalign now as an adult. My teeth could use some rearranging! I’m starting to be more and more aware of how my teeth are in my pics and I don’t like it! I should’ve stuck with it as a kid!
i wish they’d had invisalign when i was a kid!! i had train tracks in my mouth!
I had braces when I was younger but I had the metal kind. I wish this was around back then! My son has metal braces now and I also need to get my daughter started with braces – I need to ask about Invisalign.
I’m curious to know if there is a huge price difference between the invisalign and my local orthodontist’s price.
I had no idea they made these for adults!
I would love to try invisalign. I’ve heard so many good things about them…
My little sister used this and you couldn’t even tell she had braces. They worked so well for her! She has a beautiful smile now 🙂
I had braces for two years and hated them! Would definitely look into invisalign when my kids get older.
My daughter had the metal braces & they were a nightmare for her!! She had sores and cuts all the time. My son, who is younger refused having braces because of the hard time with his sister. When invisalign came out he jumped at the chance and absolutely loved them. he has the nicest teeth & this really works well.
All my kids had to have braces (metal) and they were painful and had to be brushed with much care. I love the new invisible ones – and they work well too.