Thank goodness the weather is starting to get nice… Now Lil C is wanting to spend time outside. All winter, we were stuck inside. And when a lil guy is stuck inside all he wants to do is Watch TV…. And what does that mean for Mommy… Mommy has to wait for all her favorite shows to hit re-runs, stay up all night to watch them , or just give up and watch only shows lil C likes … Either that -or try to find a way to watch it online…. So my search began. That’s when I came across sky tv deals.
Finding other ways to watch my shows makes this mama happy! We only have the one TV in our house right now (I know that will be changing a bunch when we move in to my fiancees’ house, though). And lil C is Constantly watching it when we are inside. Right now he loves using his wii to watch shows on netflix… But it still takes up our TV. At least now with the summer, I get a couple days a week where he’s OUTSIDE running around and I can catch up on some of the Shows I love. Which aren’t always shows that I prefer lil C to watch – Like NCIS or CSI.
So how do you overcome the TV battle? It may not even have to be between yourself and your child.. What about between yourself and your spouse? I know My guy and I have different likes in TV shows. What are some of your Favorite TV Shows? Are there any shows you dont let your kids watch? I’d love to hear some of your thoughts.
*All thoughts and opinions in this post are 100% those of the Authors. Thank you to my sponsors for this post.
Well the nice thing is – I HATE tv haha. But as for everyone else in the house – we need one in each room. It’s just how we function. We have a living room & family room and then all the bedrooms… and it’s REALLY nice to separate all the kids when they start acting up. It’s also nice at the very end of the night to send them to their rooms for an hour before bed to wind down.
i hate to share tv. and we don’t watch a lot. but darnit when i watch tv i want to watch MY funny shows!
My boys share the tv with my parents. I have been considering getting something on my own so we can have something in our rooms. I’ve missed having a bedroom tv! =)