Up until July, I was still on the same car insurance plan as my ex-husband. That was just because it was still cheaper for us to have the same policy. I just paid my part and he paid his and it was all good. Then, with the divorce being closer to being finalized and the policy needing to be renewed – It was time to find my own. Searching for insurance seemed like such a chore… Having to go to each company and get quotes from them. Then I heard about Coverhound.
Coverhound is a ONE STOP Shop for Car insurance. It is super simple to use. Just visit Coverhound.com and click the start here arrow. With this arrow you will be able to use the Facebook feature (and it will grab your email address , name and location ) or you can do it the old school way and type everything in.
I chose to type in all my own information (just because i knew in advance that Coverhound wasnt available in the Michigan area yet) so I used a different address. First you enter all your personal information. Then next it will ask for your Vehical Information… then your Drivers information and Voila you have your comparison Quotes! Just decide on the one you want to choose and you can call to activate it! Easy peasy huh? And if at any point you may need help, there is an option to call customer service or have a live online chat with a REAL person.
But it doesn’t just stop there with Coverhound. They also have a Great Resource center located right at the click of your fingers. All the way at the bottom of their page you will find a link titled Insurance Learning Center. There you will be able to find Insurance rules for each of the states. You will also be able to go to the Insurance Cheat Sheet. This is where you will be able to finally learn all the meanings of those Insurance term that may have been a bit hazy.
Dont forget to take a moment to stop by the Coverhound Blog. They have great articles – One of my favorites has to be the post titled “Who Pays More for Car Insurance: Mark Zuckerberg or Marissa Mayer?” It is interesting the Comparisons in the two great names. Make sure to follow Coverhound on Twitter and Facebook. You don’t want to miss any of their great updates.
Even though Coverhound isnt available in Michigan YET – it is still an awesome program. Defiantly will be keeping my eyes pealed for when they open up service for my area!
*Thank you Coverhound for helping me get to BlogHer12 this year! I cant wait until this feature goes live in Michigan so I will be able to share it with all my close friends!
looks like a really cool feature!
I liked their article about the Olympians being insured. Thanks for introducing me to the company!
If you want to find the cheapest car insurance in United States, you can visit this site and discover the smarter way to find car insurance services. I used it and I am happy.