I have recently come across a GREAT company…. That has Extremely Adorable Products. It wasn’t until I was talking to one of my cousins when I heard about Thirty-One Gifts. Thats when I started looking through a catalogue – and Totally fell in love with their products
A Little about Thirty-One Gifts: Thirty-One was started in Chatanooga, TN in 2003. The name Thirty-One is taken from Proverbs Thirty-One. Thirty-One works to empower women by encouraging, celebrating, and rewarding women in their business.
There are a Ton of ways you can show your love for Thirty-One Gifts. If you really love the products, my sponsor Jennifer can help you order, set up a catalog party. Or if you would like more information on Thirty-One as a business, She would Love to chat with you. Just take a moment to email her through her website -and just let her know that MI Savings Mama Sent you.
I did receive a Thermal Tote from Jennifer at Thirty-One Gifts. I came home from work – after a CRAZY long day and low and behold… I had a package from Thirty-One Gifts on my doorstep. After rushing inside to open it, I pulled out a Beautiful Black and white tote… Perfect for lunches or taking drinks over to a friends house. The thermal totes also come in a Drawstring form -Which will be great for taking to the beach or on a boat for an afternoon. What is your Favorite Item from Thirty-One Gifts? If you would like to place an order, just let me know, and I can help you get set up with that.
Thirty One Gifts will be giving my ABE winner a Great Thermal Tote! Make sure you take a moment to follow Jennifer from Thirty-One Gifts on Facebook and on Twitter.
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