What do you get a boy for Christmas? You get them Hot Wheels. But not just any Hot Wheel… This year Mattel came out with the Hot Wheels Video Racer Vehicle.
A little about the Mattel Video Racer: Boys can capture and produce high quality, 30 frames per second (FPS) footage of their ultimate Hot Wheels® driving experiences. With 12 minutes of memory, a built-in LCD screen and real time playback, boys can make sure they captured the desired footage. Using Video Racer’s free editing software, boys simply upload their footage using the camera’s USB port and utilize drag and drop options with preloaded music, scene transitions or special effects.
This is SURE to be a big hit with any young boy… Well, even grown boys! (I know a few adults who cant wait to get their hands on this racer!) Now your child can be in the Drivers Seat and even record their own footage of their drive! Hotwheels has always been a family favorite toy in the MI Savings Mama household. I grew up loving the Hotwheel cars and My son is just as much in love with them! Now, just for my living room to beware! Underage Driver roaming through the house!
*I received this in exchange for this post. All opinions expressed are 100% our own.
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