I always thought Octoberfest was in October…but did you know that some places start celebrating it in September?! I was surprised when i saw the list of 2011 Octboerfest events – That Michigan celebrated it September 15th!
So what is Octoberfest? I was able to find a little history on Octoberfest – and Its pretty interseting how it became. “Oktoberfest started as the wedding ceremony of the Prince of Bavaria back in 1810 (exactly 200 years ago). The marriage festival was sponsored by the King of Bavaria (the groom’s father) and attended by many villagers and burgers from Munich and other towns. Since the wedding was in October, when the newly harvested grains are ready for beer production, brewers brought their wares.
At the end of the ceremony, the villagers also hosted horse races. Everyone had a great time and decided to get together again the next year. The horse races were dropped but the festival developed over the years into the world’s largest carnival. The main feature of the festival remained the beer!” (Squidoo.com)
Now you can celebrate Octoberfest any time of the year with Plastic Mugs, Steins and other Promotional items.
What is some of your favorite things about Oktoberfest?
**I received a promotional pack for exchange for this post. all opinions are 100% my own.
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