.People who have environment allergies know how hard it can be to open a window during certain periods of the year, let alone stir up some dust, pollen or mold while cleaning their home. Here are some house cleaning tips.
Letting all of these allergens pile up in your home isn’t the solution either. In best case scenario, you can hire a cleaning service through helpling.com.sg to help you keep all of those allergens out.
For people who are living on a tight budget, this isn’t really an option. If you don’t want to have and sneezing fits every few minutes, you have to learn how to clean your home despite your allergies.
1. Vacuum Your Home on Regular Occasions
If you have environmental allergies, using a broom is a big no-no, because these things actually kick-up more dust then they clean. This means you should stick to vacuuming. Therefore, buy a new vacuum if needed – with all the necessary attachments – and vacuum your home two or three times a week in order to keep everything clean. Preferably, find a model with a HEPA filter, because these models trap particles of dust, pollen and dander, which make them perfect for people with allergies.
2. Wash Your Bedding At Least Once a Week
Your bed sheets probably look harmless enough. However, they are always covered with dander, pet hair and pollen from your clothes. You’d be surprised to know just how dirty your sheets are at any given moment. That’s why you need to wash your linens at least once – and preferably twice – a week. Also, you should wash your mattress on a monthly basis. If you sleep with your pet, vacuuming few times a week also won’t hurt.it wont change it
3. Keep the Moisture in Your Bathroom Down
When you’re trying to sooth your allergies, keeping dampness under control should at the top of your priority list. If you don’t make an effort to minimize the moisture in your bathroom, you’ll see increased mold spores floating around your house. After every shower, wipe the walls and doors down and leave the door open, so the moisture can air out. If you have a shower curtain, pull it back after you’re done to let the shower see some air. Lastly, clean your toilet once a week in order to get rid of the hair that’s collected there.
The Bottom Line
Armed with these cleaning tips, you’ll be able to keep your house clean enough to prevent any allergic reactions. Once you start implementing these tips, you’ll find yourself breathing much easier than before. You will actually feeling relaxed in the comfort of your home.
There are other things you can do of course. For instance, start removing shoes at your door, cut-back on the dust-collecting clutter and stop opening windows on days with high pollen alerts. With these house cleaning tips, you’ll be able to eliminate allergens almost completely.
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