The weather has been crazy here lately… Thankfully not as crazy as it has been in the south (prayers are with all the families who have had crazy storms and damage from them) But we got Rain… and Rain and more rain… So much rain, that some of the parks in the area have been flooded… So Tach and I have not been able to make friends…well, at least not at the parks… But, Thanks to Dog Collar Charms, Tach has made 2 new doggie friends. We took advantage of the nice warm weather the other day to take a LONG walk!
Along our walk we met Sophie… She’s an 11 Year old…. Mix?!?! Sophie is very shy for pictures…. But her and Tach just did the typical new dog things, and sniffed each other…No Fighting,.. no barking! ‘Im sure they would have been sharing bones if we stayed longer! Sophie received the Orange bordered Charm that We created. This charm fit perfectly on her collar – Sophie’s mommy put it on her, but it went on backwards. In MI, we have to have dog licences on their collars, so now she proudly sports 2 Charms!
After meeting Sophie and her family, we decided to go to my grandmas neighborhood and take a walk. We were determined to meet new doggies somewhere. That is where we met buddy. He’s at least 2 times the size of Tach, but that did not scare him! They went up to each other… did a few sniffs, and then went to explore the yard! There was even a cat there that they played with! (no harm to the cat …. Tach lives with cats, so he knows not to fight them – they will kick his behind) Even with Buddy being a bigger dog, the Charm still shows up nicely around his neck.
When I questioned them about how much they usually spend on accessorizing their dogs, both families said they spend very minimal… Unless there was something that really caught their eye and they had to have! At first each family thought that 25.00 was a bit much for a charm… But after looking at the quality of the charm- and taking into consideration that there is Free Shipping on the charms…. The price is right! These charms are perfect for gifts… especially with someone who has fur babies!
You can order your own Dog Collar Charm online. Also make sure to take a moment and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
Disclosure: This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. All opinions expressed here are 100% my own. Thank you to Dog Collar Charms for supplying the great charms.
These are adorable – Our dog Bessie would love to have one for herself and one for her brother Max.