Twenty-Four Weeks Down, less than 16 more to go!
How Far Along –
As of today I am 24 weeks 6 days
Weight Gain/Loss:
Pre-Pregnancy Weight. 168.9.
Last weeks weight: 180.4
Today’s Weight: 181.5
Total Loss/Gain: +12 1/2 lbs
Baby Development – With all the rapidly developing senses in your baby, e/she should probably be able to sense what is upside down or right side up. Your baby’s respiratory system is also rapidly growing, lungs are developing in preparation for breathing, moving amniotic fluid in and out of the lungs. For now your baby still gets oxygen through your placenta. (BabyBump App for Android)
Not avoiding anything!
I love the idea of keeping track of your pregnancy. I wish I would have done this when I was prego last time.
I love your little bump! What a precious thing it is, being pregnant (even though it can be uncomfortable!). Can’t wait to find out what you are having!
I wish I had taken more pictures of both of my pregnancies. At the time I felt to fat and didn’t want my picture taken. You look so cute! cant wait to hear boy or girl.
I love a baby girl/boy surprise. We didn’t find out on any of our 3kids, I always say, it gives you something to “push” for. 🙂
its nice that you can document your pregnancy this way