Whether you are trying to conceive or are naturally trying to make sure you don’t get pregnant, There are many different forms of Family Planning. For those who are trying to Conceive, you have ovulation charts and graphs and thermometers – and don’t forget sex. For those who are trying to keep from getting pregnant, there is the pill, condoms, different forms of diaphragms, Natural planning and then abstinence. FairHaven Health has partnered up with MI Savings Mama to bring you a great solution for either situation
A little about OvaCue: The OvaCue is a saliva-based electronic fertility monitor designed specifically for trying-to-conceive couples. With the OvaCue, you can predict your ovulation date up to seven days in advance by measuring changes in the electrolyte concentration of your saliva – giving you more opportunities to conceive each month. The OvaCue is ideal for women with regular cycles or irregular cycles.I recently had the opportunity to put the OvaCue to the test. The OvaCue is Extremely simple to use. There are 2 different ways you can use the Monitor; Oral and Vaginal. For those who have irregular cycles, it is recommended that you use the Vaginal sensor in conjunction with the oral reading.
Using the OvaCue is very easy. On your second day of your cycle, you will place the sensor on your tongue for three seconds. Make sure to do this each morning before you brush you teeth or eat / drink anything. The Oral sensor uses your electrolyte count to determine your daily fertility status, Your peak fertile days for this cycle, and the start and end of your fertile window.
To get an even more accurate reading, you can use the Vaginal sensor. The vaginal sensor is used later in the day – after you have been up and moving for a while. To use this sensor, you insert it into your Vagina until you feel it touch the cervix, then pull it out a hair (about 1/4-1/2″) and then tilt the handle slightly upwards. Currently the Vaginal sensor is sold separately – and I highly recommend getting it. In the near future it will only be offered in a bundle package!
If you are trying to Conceive, I highly recommend using the OvaCue. It takes all the guess work out of when you are most fertile. We are planning on continuing to use the OvaCue – well after the baby is born. I personally do not want to go back on any Birth Control Pills or IUDs. So instead of using the OvaCue to tell me when I am most fertile, so hubby and I can have some adult time, we are going to use it to plan on when to not have adult time. Even though I keep teasing the hubbs that I want 6 kids, we will take it one at a time.
Make sure you follow Fairhaven Health on Facebook and Twitter
Disclosure: I received the OvaCue in exchange for this post. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
This would have came in very handy when I was trying to conceive my second son, which for some reason took over a year! I will be sure to pass on the info to a friend of mine who is currently trying to conceive. What a great product!
It’s nice to know there are now avenues for people who are having trouble. I never had any problem getting pregnant, but I do have friends that are trying different avenues. I will let them know about OvaCue
I have heard such amazing things about the Ovacue. It took us over a year to get pregnant with my last son and I was beginning to think it wasn’t going to happen. The next time I will definitely give the Ovacue a try. Great post!
Had I actually been “trying” to get pregnant when I conceived I may have considered this option. As it stands now I will never need to use it 🙂 but at least it is nice to know there are other options out there for those who are trying. I can now give an educated suggestion