This is my 39 week pregnancy Journal. Wow, time has flew! I realized its been 9 weeks since I have updated this! Oh my goodness where has the time gone.
How Far Along –
As of today I am 39 weeks 3 days
Due Date –
My Due date is May 20, 2014
Boy or Girl –
Peanut is a girl!
Bump Picture –
Weight Gain/Loss:
Pre-Pregnancy Weight. 168.9.
Last weeks weight: 189.6
Today’s Weight: 202.8
Total Loss/Gain: +33.9 lbs
Baby Size – about 20″ ( mini watermelon). Baby Weight – 7.25lb
Baby Development – As your baby prepares to join the outside world, he/she’s continuing to build a layer of fat and slough off the outer layers of his/her skin. The vernix and lanugo are nearly completely gone although you may see some traces of it after birth (BabyBump App for Android)
Symptoms – I’ve had a few sets of Contractions – Which is something that I never felt with lil c.
Current Cravings -I have only craved sugar and sweets when I have been in down moods. Other than that, I have no real cravings
Currently Avoiding –
Nothing right now
Belly Button Status – It is flat! Never officially made it to an outtie
Movement – Peanuts movements are very strong but spread out. She’s defiantly getting cramped in there…
Any Appointments? -Today was my Last OB appointment before peanut is born. There are many reasons behind it, but my doctor has decided that Tomorrow he will be “inducing” me. I’m already half way there, but my body needs a little nudge
How I have been feeling – I have been very stressed lately. We have had 3 “false alarms” in the past month. Peanut has wanted to make her presence known … I am defiantly ready to see this little girl.
Reactions from the Kids: Both the kids are very excited to know that their sister will be here this weekend
Trying to take guesses… How big do you think Peanut will be? Mommy’s weight at birth about 7lbs, Daddy’s weight at birth about 8lbs.
How exciting! Cant wait to see pictures. I will guess 7.8lbs. Good luck hoping you have a smooth and stress free delivery!