Whoops, I missed updating last week…… Now We’re down to just over 2 months!
How Far Along –
As of today I am 30 weeks 4 days
Due Date –
My Due date is May 20, 2014
Boy or Girl –
Peanut is a little girl … Now just to try to find a name for her… Any suggestions?
Weight Gain/Loss:
Pre-Pregnancy Weight. 168.9.
Last weeks weight: 187.9
Today’s Weight: 189.6
Total Loss/Gain: +20.7 lbs
Baby Size – about 15.7″ ( Cabbage). Baby Weight – 2.75lb
Baby Development – As your baby continues to practice breething you may notice a bout of the hiccups. Many mom’s have described this feeling as a series of small twitches. (BabyBump App for Android)
Symptoms – When I’m asked how I feel, I just say Pregnant. Im a little on the rolly-pollie side… Have a bump going… Other than that, most everything is just normal .
Current Cravings -I haven’t had any cravings this week. Actually I’ve been dealing with a lack of appetite again… Must be peanut pushing on my stomach.
Currently Avoiding –
Nothing right now
Belly Button Status – Lil C keeps asking to see my belly button – he’s fascinated that it is slowly disappearing… And keeps asking me if it will come back fully after Peanut is here
Movement – Peanut defiantly likes to slowly move and roll. It is actually a very interesting feeling
Any Appointments? -I had my Dr appointment this past Thursday. We had a recheck Ultrasound- everything looks to be in order… Except peanut is Breech… So heres to hoping that she turns in the next few weeks! 😀
How I have been feeling – Except for the normal party going on in my belly when I’m relaxing… All is good.
Reactions from the Kids: Lil C has begun a count down. He keeps asking how long before peanut will be here… and good things like that. He knows that peanut should be here in about 10 weeks.
Make sure you stop by and visit Courtney at Joy of Mamma Joyner her Pregnancy adventures
I am expecting my first in a few weeks and I’m fascinated by my belly button. So far, it is hanging in there but I don’t have a lot of hope. I’m not sure what it says that I have that same concerns as a kid but it is easier to focus on belly buttons than the impending labor, I suppose!