Twenty-Three Weeks Down, less than 17 more to go!
How Far Along –
As of today I am 23 weeks 4 days
Weight Gain/Loss:
Pre-Pregnancy Weight. 168.9.
Last weeks weight: 179.4
Today’s Weight: 180.4
Total Loss/Gain: +12 1/2 lbs
Baby Development – Your baby is probably quite active by now and you should be able to feel movement or kicks in your belly. It might even be possible to see the movements on the surface of your skin. Overall, your baby is now more proportioned from head size to the rest of the body and is looking more and more like a newborn. (BabyBump App for Android)
Not avoiding anything!
Fun! I will agree that junk food has been calling my name a lot lately. Trying to avoid, but then I give into gummy candies which later make me feel sick…. One would think I’d learn!
Same here – I caved into the gummy bears last night… they didn’t set well with me.