Woo hoo! I am officially over the half way mark!
How Far Along –
As of today I am 21 weeks 7 days
Over the past couple weeks my lil peanut has been making their presence know. I am finally starting to gain weight. I started my pregnancy at 168.9 lbs, and this morning (21w7d), I am at 178.2 lbs.
You may soon feel like she’s practicing martial arts as his/her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby’s eyebrows and lids are present now.
Chicken is still rough to eat in large amounts, but other than that, I’m not avoiding anything
You look great ! Glad you are feeling “normal” again!
Time will pass so fast and before you know it, it’s May already. Good luck and have a safe delivery 🙂 By the way, you still look good even preggy.
I love this, I wish I had kept a pregnancy journal with my first baby. Good for you on keeping the gender quiet, I was so anxious to tell EVERYONE! hahaha
They will find out by March – as long as we get a confirmation that baby is a he or she.
Hahaha I love the “Belly Button Status!” That cracked me up. You look great, and sound so upbeat! I wish you a cool spring – those last couple of months are miserable in the heat!
Aww congratulations, you look great! That is so sweet that your little guy is excited!
You look great. I had issues with food at first too and then it was all I could do to not inhale everything I saw. Don;t worry the chicken will still be there in a month or so.